Urban Jungle, Camouflage

My contribution to the KORU8 - International contemporary jewellery triennial under the title "heading for the woods"

The urban jungle we live in forces us to assimilate in a very different way.
Visibility is the currency of modern life.
As in a mirror ball, the shades of the camouflage patterns appear in different facets in my brooches .

When worn, the movement of the wearer causes them to reflect light at different angles. 

My brooches are an invitation to imagine nature again and dance with it.

Broken Mirrors

For the jewellery selection of the venice design week 2022 under the theme “A moments mirror” I created these two brooches


Like looking into a broken mirror, the view of the brooches changes with every movement, with every change of perspective. Are they round or peaked, coloured or plain? They are what you see in them. 


The shapes of these brooches are inspired by the idea of a picture frame.
What makes us frame something, a memory, a person, a special moment? The framing makes them honored and special, a little larger than life,
Frames also represent the very human but futile desire to hold on to what is dear to us, to freeze a moment so that we never have to let it go.

Touched to shreds

In 2021, the Silver Competition of the Gallery of Art in Legnica was held under the theme "Touch".
A poem by Gunnar Ekelof inspired this work. The first line reads

The black image

Framed in silver worn to shreds by kisses ...“



Click here to see more of my work with Guilloche and Enamel, Guilloche and amber and other unique pieces